
足球规则 61℃

足球哪些难懂的规则(Football: Which Rules Are Difficult to Understand)


Football, also known as soccer, is one of the most popular sports worldwide. It is played by millions of people and watched by billions of fans. While football may seem straightforward, there are several rules that can be challenging to understand for both players and spectators. In this article, we will explore some of these complex rules in detail, shedding light on their intricacies.

Offside Rule:

The offside rule is perhaps one of the most confusing and debated rules in football. It is designed to prevent players from gaining an unfair advantage by being closer to the opponent's goal line than both the ball and the second-to-last defender when the ball is played to them. Essentially, a player is considered offside if they are nearer to the opponent's goal line than the ball and the second-to-last defender at the moment the ball is passed to them. However, there are exceptions to this rule, such as when a player is level with the second-to-last defender or when they are not involved in active play.

Handball Rule:

The handball rule in football determines whether a player has intentionally handled the ball. According to the rule, a player commits a handball offense if they deliberately touch the ball with their hand or arm, including movements towards the ball. However, unintentional handballs that occur during the course of normal gameplay are not considered offenses. The interpretation of this rule, especially in regard to whether a player's hand or arm was in a natural position or whether it was a deliberate attempt to block the ball, can lead to debates and controversies.

Fouls and Free Kicks:

Football involves a variety of fouls, and understanding them can be challenging. Some common fouls include tripping, pushing, holding, and tackling from behind. When a foul occurs, the referee awards a free kick to the opposing team as a penalty. The type and severity of the foul determine the location from where the free kick is taken, with more severe fouls resulting in closer free kick positions to the goal. Additionally, players can receive yellow or red cards, which signify warnings or ejections, respectively, for committing serious fouls or accumulating multiple minor fouls.

Penalty Kick:

The penalty kick is a crucial aspect of football, and it often leads to intense moments during matches. It is awarded when a foul occurs inside the penalty area, also known as the 18-yard box. The attacking team takes a penalty kick from the penalty spot, located 12 yards away from the goal line. Only the goalkeeper is allowed to defend the goal during a penalty kick, and all other players must be outside the penalty area until the ball is played. The kicker attempts to score by shooting the ball past the goalkeeper into the net.

Extra Time and Penalty Shootout:

In knockout competitions or games that require a winner, if the match ends in a draw after regular time, extra time is played. It consists of two additional periods of 15 minutes each. If the score remains level at the end of extra time, a penalty shootout decides the winner. Each team takes turns shooting from the penalty spot against the opposing goalkeeper. The team that scores more penalties after a designated number of shots emerges as the winner.


Football, with its global popularity, has numerous rules to ensure fair play and maintain the integrity of the game. While many of these rules are straightforward, some can be difficult to grasp due to their complexity or subjective interpretation. The offside rule, handball rule, fouls and free kicks, penalty kicks, and extra time and penalty shootouts are just a few examples of the intricate rules that make football exciting and sometimes perplexing. By understanding these rules, both players and spectators can enhance their appreciation for the beautiful game.
