
足球规则 156℃

距离 “世界杯”开幕已经过去一周,但在各个国家的热度依旧不减。各个球队之间你追我赶,相互竞争,比分成绩刷爆朋友圈也紧紧牵动着每一位球迷的心。

世界杯之所以被称为世界杯,是因为各个大洲的球队都曾参加过这个比赛。作为由国际足球联合会举办的全球性体育盛 会,“世界杯”备受瞩目,全名叫 “国际足联世界杯”(International Federation of Association Football)。

2022年卡塔尔世界杯(FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022)是第二十二届世界杯足球赛,因疫情和天气导致延期,首次定于北半球冬季开幕。



关于世界杯的重要背景知识你都 完全了解了吗?接下来...... 一大波与“世界杯”相关的重点单词( Key Words)来袭!!!

足球 football/ soccer

胜利 victory /win/success/triumph

吉祥物 mascot 裁判 referee

守门员 goalkeeper 场馆 venue

领导能力 leadership 耐力 stamina

技巧 technique 规则 regulation

冠军 champion 成就 achievement

享誉世界的 highly-acclaimed

啦啦队 cheer team 主教练 head coach

合作能力 ability to link up with teammates

运动员精神 sportsmanship

东道主 host 球迷 soccer fans

开幕式 opening ceremony

著名足球明星 famous football star

夺冠 take the crown 预选赛 qualifying game

技艺高超的球员 super-skilled player

退役运动员 retired athlete 防守能力 defensive skills

运动天赋 physical talent

足球俱乐部 football club

欧足联 Union of European Football Association

灵活性战术 tactical flexibility



● 世界杯足球赛热潮即将涌起。

The World Cup bandwagon is starting to roll.

● 我最喜欢的足球队赢了世界杯,这条新闻让我很激动。

I thrilled at the news that my favourite football team won the World Cup.

● 在世界杯足球比赛期间,千百万人在电视上观看比赛。

During the football matches of the World Cup, millions of people watch the matches on TV.

● 沙特阿拉伯队爆冷赢了阿根廷队。

Saudi Arabia caused a upset in Qutar World Cup by winning 2:1 against Argentina.

● 德国队被认为是此次世界杯的夺冠热门之一。

Germany is considered one of the favorites in Qutar World Cup.

● 比赛前英国队并不被看好。

Before the game England were definitely the underdog.

● 内马尔在该世界杯期间一举成名。

Neymar came to prominence during the World Cup.

● 这场比赛的胜利将使他们取得世界杯的参赛资格。

A victory in this game will earn them qualification for the World Cup.





“世界杯”作为举世瞩目的体育赛事,传承弘扬体育精神,重点关注 “体育与赛事”相关话题作文,未来的英语考试中很可能会考到!



2. 语言通顺,语法准确;


可能会用到的词汇:调查 survey;原因 reason


One possible version,

Today I made a survey about my classmates' favourite sports and the reasons why they like them in our class. Fifteen students' favourite sport is football. They think it is a popular game in the world. Six students' favourite sport is swimming because they think swimming in summer is very cool. Three students' favourite sport is table tennis and they think playing it can keep them healthy. Two students' favourite sport is running because they can do it at any time.



足球是一项团体性运动足球规则英文,需要各个球员之间合作交流,达成默契。团体成员之间互相学习,互相帮助才能真正实现“1+1>2”的效果。而 “合作与交流”话题作为英语作文的高频考点,也要重点学习哦!


请你以“How to learn together as a team?”为标题写一篇英文演讲稿,代表学校参加达州市中学生英语演讲比赛。要求:1.卷面整洁(无污迹),书写工整(有美感)。(卷面分1分)


3 .条理清楚,句式规范,标点符号和大小写使用正确。


5.参考词汇:friendly,help,discuss (talk,listen), share, grow up


How to learn together as a team

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Today my topic is "How to learn together as a team".It's very important for us to learn and think by ourselves. And it is also important for us to learn together as a team.

First, we must be friendly to others, whether beautiful or ugly, tall or short, kids or adults. We should help others when they are in trouble. For example, your classmates can't finish homework. Your friend is becoming upset when he can't solve the problems between his parents and him. Here is no doubt that helping others is helping ourselves. In a team, anyone is helped and anyone helps others.

Second, we are supposed to discuss. When we discuss, we either talk or listen. We have to talk clearly and we must listen carefully, so you can find where the mistakes will be and how you should correct them. After discussing, you are sure to get more.

Third, in a team, it is very important to share. Many of us are only one or two from our families. We are used to thinking about ourselves. So we are loved more. Now it is time to learn to share with others; share love and care; share happiness and sadness and so on. Let's grow up in sharing!

In a word, we are like a family in a team. Let's help each other, discuss happily and share little by little. Then we grow up.

That's all for my speech. Thank you!



世界是一个圆圈,将各个民族和国家联合在一起,体育赛事作为全球性活动,不同的文化之间相互碰撞。 “国家与民族”这一话题随着全球化进程不断加快,考查频率也越来越高。

假设你叫李凯,是阳光中学国际班的一名学生。在上周的一次主题班会上,你和其他几位同学谈论了各自的国家。请根据下面表格中的有关内容,以"Our own countries"为题写一篇 70 词左右的短文。(文章开头已经给出,不计入总词数)


Our own countries

Hi, my name is Li Kai. I'm a Chinese student from an International class in Yangguang Middle School. Last week, two of my classmates and I talked about something about our own countries.

Sandy comes from Britain. The weather in Britain is always warm and wet all year round. The British are polite to others. James comes from the US. The weather in the US is quite different from place to place.Americans like freedom and independence. As for my country, it has the world's biggest population. The weather in my country is quite different in different seasons. It's cold in winter and hot in summer. And Chinese people are friendly to others.





